Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
ATF Fraud Finally Recognized by National Media
by David Codrea
The very words “fraud, waste, and abuse” reflect the knowledge that it goes back to a time over a dozen years ago...
ATF Careerist Turned Giffords Spokesflack Proposes Evisceration of 2nd Amendment
by David CodreaSo it’s not surprising that there were other ATF careerists who viewed him as a self-serving opportunist (at best).
The post ATF Careerist Turned Giffords Spokesflack Proposes Evisceration of 2nd Amendment appeared first on AmmoLand.com.
Fast and Furious revealer and III% founder Mike Vanderboegh dies
by Chris EgerMike Vanderboegh, who ran the popular Sipsey Street Irregulars website and helped expose the ATF's gunwalking program has passed away after a long fight with cancer.
The post Fast and Furious revealer and III% founder Mike Vanderboegh dies appeared first on Guns.com.
2nd Amendment
3 percenter
David Codrea
Fast and Furious
Gun Control
Gun Laws
gun runner
gun walking
III percenter
Mike Vanderboegh
Patriot movement
Politics & 2nd Amendment
second amendment
Self Defense
Sipsey Street Irregulars
three percenter