Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Wilderness Athlete Helps People Lose Weight

One avid outdoorsman who was tired of being overweight was Duran Martinez. Martinez has an outdoor radio show in Michigan called Wild Michigan...

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Wilderness Athlete Introduces HY-Altitude Advantage Kit

Hy-Altitude Advantage is a two-part system that is made up of a capsule and Wilderness Athletes Hydration & Recover drink...

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Wilderness Athlete Unveils The 28 Day Challenge

The kit comes with a wide variety of Wilderness Athlete products that can make eating healthy and losing weight easier for people on the go...

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Wilderness Athlete Unveils Performance Bars

Wilderness Athlete Performance bars provide hunters with the energy they need without giving them hundreds of unnecessary calories...

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Wilderness Athlete Unveils Meal Replacement Shakes For Hunters

Wilderness Athlete Unveils Meal Replacement Shakes For Hunters Phoenix, AZ--(Ammoland.com)- Wilderness Athlete is proud to unveil their new Meal Replacement and Recovery Shake for outdoorsmen who are looking to lose or maintain their current body weight. Outdoorsmen often work hard during the summer to lose weight to prepare for the fall hunting season, only to […]

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