Wilderness Athlete Unveils Meal Replacement Shakes For Hunters

Wilderness Athlete Unveils Meal Replacement Shakes For Hunters

Wilderness Athlete
Wilderness Athlete

Phoenix, AZ--(Ammoland.com)- Wilderness Athlete is proud to unveil their new Meal Replacement and Recovery Shake for outdoorsmen who are looking to lose or maintain their current body weight.

Outdoorsmen often work hard during the summer to lose weight to prepare for the fall hunting season, only to gain weight as hunting season ends and the holiday season begins.

The Wilderness Athlete meal replacement shake can help hunters lose excess body weight and stay lean and mean year round.

Wilderness Athlete Meal Replacement & Recovery Shake
Wilderness Athlete Meal Replacement & Recovery Shake

The delicious power-packed shake provides between 230-240 calories per serving and is a balanced blend of highly digestible proteins that include an ideal spectrum of essential amino acids and staged carbohydrates necessary to fuel the muscles. To go the extra mile, the shake has been beefed up with more than one-third of the daily recommendation for fiber for healthy digestion and to slow down the delivery of all the nutrients, providing a longer lasting energy source.

In today’s fast-paced society, taking the time to prepare a healthy meal is often not an option so people turn to fast food, candy bars and unhealthy snacks when they are hungry. Many of the snacks people choose are high in fat and sugar, low in protein and nutrients and can quickly add inches to the waistline.

With the Wilderness Athlete meal replacement shake, people have an option that is healthy and quick. Add 1 scoop of the meal replacement powder to 10 ounces of water and mix to enjoy a satisfying shake that tastes good and satisfies hunger.

“The Wilderness Athlete meal replacement shake is the perfect shake for outdoorsmen on the go,” said Mark Paulsen of Wilderness Athlete. “Our shake has as much protein as four to five egg whites and nine grams of fiber. It is packed with amino acids, vitamins and minerals. People looking to walk away from high fat meals and live a healthier lifestyle will be pleased with Wilderness Athlete. products”

Wilderness Athlete, Inc. is the nutritional authority on outdoor performance nutrition. We address the need of quality nutrition for the hunting, fishing, and outdoor industry with several unique products. Wilderness Athlete stands alone in offering the industry’s only full line of nutrition bars, gels, hydration drinks, energy drinks, and multi-vitamins. Visit: www.wildernessathlete.com