Wilderness Athlete Helps People Lose Weight

Duran WA Before and After Wilderness Athlete.
Duran WA Before and After Wilderness Athlete.
Wilderness Athlete
Wilderness Athlete

Phoenix, AZ –-(Ammoland.com)- One thing that stands between many outdoorsmen and a successful hunt is the fact that they are not in shape.

One avid outdoorsman who was tired of being overweight was Duran Martinez. Martinez has an outdoor radio show in Michigan called Wild Michigan.

During the last decade, he gained an enormous amount of weight.

“I woke up one day and decided I needed to lose a lot of weight,” Martinez said. “I simply couldn’t do the things I wanted to do anymore.”

Martinez was introduced to Wilderness Athlete Nutritional Products and as they say, the rest is history. Martinez has lost almost 100 pounds.

“When I first started using Wilderness Athlete products, I weighed about 310 pounds,” Martinez said. “Now I weigh 225.” Martinez combines daily exercise with a variety of Wilderness Athlete products including Energy and Focus drinks, Hydrate and Recover drinks, Meal Replacement Shakes and Wilderness Athlete vitamins. “The products taste great and have helped me get to where I am today.”

Are you a hardcore hunter who needs to lose a few pounds or a hunter who has a backcountry trip planned for this fall? Wilderness Athlete makes variety of products for the outdoor enthusiasts who like to push themselves to their limit and products for the people who need to shed a few pounds. Backpacking junkies, skiing fanatics, runners and others turn to Wilderness Athlete when they need an energy boost.

Wilderness Athlete was founded by Mark Paulsen, the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the University of New Mexico. To learn more about Wilderness Athlete and their complete line of nutritional products, visit www.wildernessathlete.com

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