Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Silencers A Threat to Public Safety , Flawed Study – The Legal Brief ~ VIDEO

The Violence Policy Center released a study unsurprisingly entitled “ Silencers A Threat to Public Safety ”. How dumb is this fairy tail of gun control lies?

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Gun control proponents claim gun industry is marketing to kids

A group dedicated to promoting gun control has released a new study claiming that the firearms industry has been targeting children in their marketing.

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Assaulting weapons

The VPC has been going after what they've convinced a lot of people to call assault weapons at least since 1988 and now they are at it again.

The post Assaulting weapons appeared first on Guns.com.

Violence Policy Center Misdirects with Claim Gun Deaths Surpass Motor Vehicle Deaths

VPC loves confusion, as they are trying to make the case that the Government needs to regulate guns to make them "safer," as if there is currently no regulation...

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Boomerang! Handgun Ban Group, Violence Policy Center, Validates Right-to-Carry

The goofy Violence Policy Center is simply playing its role in an increasingly integrated and choreographed campaign that is a failed attempt to turn America against guns...

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Violence Policy Center’s Cars Theory Not Hitting on All Cylinders

The anti-gun Violence Policy Center thinks it has finally come up with a way to get handguns, and maybe some other guns, banned. Compare ‘em to cars...

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VPC Tries to Revive “Guns and Cars” and “Consumer Products” Nonsense

Their goal is to get handguns banned by setting standards higher than any handgun manufacturer could achieve, at least at a price the market would bear...

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