Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

North Carolina Policeman Put On Leave For Patriotic, Pro-America Tattoo ~ VIDEO

Elon University professor Megan Squire gave a lecture highlighting Officer Daniels's tattoo. Squire is an admitted Antifa member that did not return officers calls.

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We Interview The Three Percenters’ Leaders on Bogus ALT Right Claims

The term “alt right” is getting thrown around a lot. Would The Three Percenters groups be considered part of the “alt right” or not?

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Oregon militia movement growing steadily, report says

The report says Oregon has one of the most developed militia movements in the country and it details the rise of the movement, including events and groups that have developed in the state in recent years.

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Vanderboegh Shows Strength and Dignity Preparing for ‘Other Side’

Let's show Mike that we will carry forward his vision of resistance to tyranny for the sake of individual freedom in the spirit of, and with the dignity of, Mike Vanderboegh's legacy.

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Historic Militia Moment: PPN (Including Oath Keepers) Calls On FBI

Very interesting interaction between the Pacific Patriot Network leadership delegation and the FBI, who were all kitted out with rifles and chest rigs...

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The Ease With Which Civil Wars Can Start

I have long been warning that given the collectivists and their appetites for other citizens' rights to liberty and property, that civil war is not only possible but probable...

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