Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

PROTECH Tactical Releases Fast Attack Vest with FirstSpear Closure System

FirstSpear Tubes ensure the cummerbund of the garment is always positioned in the same location, which is vital for proper ballistic overlap.

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Propper Sets a New Standard in Vests for the Female Officer

No longer do female officers have to tolerate a vest that bunches, billows, or scoops on the chest and neck.

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Our Dealers Are Receiving Fake Letters in the Mail.

We are proud of the quality of our product. Manufactured in Shanghai, China, by hardworking folks that do a great job we give every vest a hands-on final inspection here in our warehouse in Troy, MI

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Interesting Threats a Bullet Proof Vest Can & Can’t Protect Against

A bullet proof vest is designed for bullets. This may seem obvious, and it is true, yet a bulletproof vest can protect you against a wide range of threats.

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‘FBI’ stripper sparks mass panic

The man, who was simply playing the part of a naughty FBI agent, got all sorts of attention Saturday night, but all for the wrong reasons.

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How Many Layers of Denim Does It Take To Stop A Bullet?

We know that a BulletSafe vest, www.BulletSafe.com will stop a .50 Cal Desert Eagle, but what about everyday things? How bulletproof are they?

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Is Thanksgiving Dinner Bulletproof?

We know that a BulletSafe vest, will stop a .50 Cal Desert Eagle, but what does that bullet do against to everyday things? This video hopes to answer the question in a fun manner.

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