Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

OC vs CCW: Changing the Language

The Missouri House successfully overrode...the new law makes it legal to...Professor Paul has a suggestion that should bring everyone in the choir together...

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Emergency Alert, Bullies With Sandwiches, & Don’t Take Advice From Morons

We are no longer dealing with if we are going to be attacked but. When Kroger told the Moms Demanding more Bedroom Action. The boys play several different audio clips...

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This Week on SOTG Radio: Hoplophobia Defined and Anti-Gun Dine and Dash

Jeff Cooper coined the term "hoplophobia." We define the term and give pertinent examples from the nations capital...It seems, in the liberal mind, it's okay to steal if you have an irratational fear.

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Patriot Fire Team: The Foundation of Liberty

No Patriot should stand alone. Everyone needs...establish a small, but strong support group of like-minded individuals who...As an American you have a choice...

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Be a Good Victim & Surrender, This week on Student the Gun Radio

Paul takes aim at the oft quoted advice to “give the criminal what they want and try to be a good witness”. The SOTG Crew welcomed home WWII veterans on the recent Honor Flight Mississippi to D.C....

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The 2nd Amendment is Not Absolute, Take Your Gun to Dinner

Oregon Supreme Court - the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution is Not Absolute and the legislature can modify it as they see fit in the interest of “public safety”. That, and other West Coast Lunacy...

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Joe Biden’s Advice on Home Defense Backfires!

A Vancouver man decided to take that advice. Professor Paul gives his 2-cents on the incident. Shooting a firearm using the advice of Vice President Joe Biden or even that of President Barack Obama may not be the best idea....

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Gun Crime Down, Public Fear Up & Instructor Shoots Student

Why is the public more afraid if gun crimes are at an all time low? Kid rock and a TX kidnapping gone wrong. Colorado has gone off the rails. Find out why...

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