Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
It’s Time to Stop Religious Bigotry in Congress
by Newt GingrichDemocrats should express “maladjustment” toward bigotry in their own party – specifically the rising anti-Semitism and anti-Catholicism.
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Sikh Army officer wins fight for religious accommodations
by Joey ClementineThe U.S. military granted a Sikh Army officer long-term religious accommodations Friday allowing him to serve while maintaining his articles of faith, i.e. a beard and turban.
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Is Trump off the mark in calling to keep Muslims out?
by Jennifer CruzTrump said the hatred is beyond comprehension and a danger to the country, and called for America to be vigilant in defending itself.
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A Coming Era of Civil Disobedience?
by Pat BuchananThe Oklahoma Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, has ordered a monument of the Ten Commandments removed from the Capitol...
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The Long Retreat in the Culture War
by Pat BuchananThe Christian majority, that had the Faith that created Western civilization behind, it rolled over and played dead...
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Indiana RFRA Opponents: We Want Special Rights For Some, Not Equal Rights For All
by AWR HawkinsIn so doing, they show that religious freedom is not really freedom at all, in their eyes, but a means to controlling those who hold a different point of view or a different set of convictions...
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Religion And The Right to Say No vs. The State
by Alan CarubaAmerica is a nation based on its Founder’s beliefs that the rights of its citizens came from God, not the state. Something is very wrong when judges ignore that fundamental truth...
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I Am a Conservative Western Christian
by AmmolandChristianity and Islam have not always been civil to one another; we all know the history of the Crusades. Nevertheless...
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Chanukah Celebrates Rededication
by Alan CarubaDecember 16 through 24 of 2014 marks this year’s celebration of Chanukah and one can only hope that it will be enjoyed without providing an excuse to attack Jews around the world...
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Hating On Santa Claus
by Alan CarubaSo you can be an atheist, but you can still celebrate a holiday devoted to the man who Christians deem the son of God? All the while hating on good ole Saint Nick...
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President Obama Versus George Washington on Thanksgiving (guess who loses)
by Chuck NorrisIf it were up to President Obama and his liberal minions across this land, Thanksgiving would turn into nothing more than a day of gratitude for things like his Affordable Care Act...
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The Neutering of Our Religious Holidays
by Chuck NorrisLet us never forget that there was once a time in the U.S. when people and even presidents weren't afraid to stand for traditional values and encourage others to do the same...
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