Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Anti-Gunners’ Wish List: Ban Private Gun Sales, Ban Gun, Ban Magazine

Part of a strategy to chip away at our 2A rights under the guise of being "reasonable." But if you understand exactly what the anti-gunners are really talking about, you'll understand that the restrictions they're proposing are anything but reasonable...

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Fact Check Obama When He Says 40% of All Gun Sales Private

The idea that 40% of gun sales are private is meant to confuse Americans and make them think there is a breakdown in the system somewhere. But there's not...

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New Mexico Comes Under Attack as Rep Garcia Intros Gun Tax, Gun Bans & Registration

Gun control advocates are wasting no time. On the second day of the sixty-day legislative session in Santa Fe, Representative Miguel Garcia imposing sweeping restrictions on firearms sales in New Mexico...

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New Utah Firearms Classifieds Website Fills Void Left by KSL

Within hours of the announcement that KSL suspended private firearms sales through its classifieds service a new website was launched offering Utah citizens a place to buy and sell guns...

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Arizona Gun Bill Will Make You A Felon During A Private Firearm Sale

An accidental violation of this paperwork error would be a Class 4 felony crime, just like child abusers, drug dealers, kidnappers and arsonists...

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