North Carolina AG Commissioner Troxler Talks of Silencing Private Gun Sales

Silence On Private Sales.

Grass Roots North Carolina Forum for Firearms Education
Grass Roots North Carolina for Firearms Education

North Carolina –-( After saying they would stop private gun sales, Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler has gone silent…

It’s been well over a week since The NC Department of Agriculture Commissioner fell in line with President Obama’s plan to ban the private sales of any firearms following a recent incident at a gun show. After a negligent discharge of a shotgun at a recent gun show at the NC Fairgrounds in Raleigh, representatives of Agricultural Commissioner Steve Troxler saw fit to declare that private sales of any and all firearms would be banned for the rest of the show, and possibly all gun shows held on NC agricultural property in the future.

Just where does Mr. Troxler stand?

After pronouncing that private sales were banned from State Agricultural owned property, Commissioner Troxler has gone silent. The big question now becomes: will a REPUBLICAN controlled state agency now jump on President Obama’s gun control policies without question? When accidents involving automobiles happen, we don’t ban private auto sales. When accidents involving house fires happen, we don’t arbitrarily ban private home sales. Why then, are our elected leaders so quick to ban private firearms sales when a negligent discharge happens?

Maybe we should just ask?

The citizens of North Carolina deserve to know where our leaders stand on this issue. Using the contact information provided and the suggested message (or one of your own), contact NC Agricultural Commissioner Steve Troxler and ask him personally where he stands on the issue of private firearms sales and President Obama’s gun control agenda. With the anti-gun crowd screaming loud these days, we deserve to know just where our leaders stand on the issue.


  • Immediately email AND call Commissioner Steve Troxler, NC Agriculture Commissioner, at and (919) 707-3000
  • SIGN THE “STOP THE GUN BAN” PETITION: Go to: Whether or not you have already signed it, forward this to others and tell them to sign it too.
  • Support GRNC: GRNC needs your support to help combat the efforts against your rights as gun owners. Join or renew your membership!


Commissioner Steve Troxler, NC Agriculture Commissioner, at and (919) 707-3000


Suggested Subject: “Commissioner Troxler, where do you stand?”

Dear Commissioner Troxler,

In response to a recent accident involving a negligent discharge of a shotgun at a gun show, your representatives quickly declared that all private sales of firearms would be banned for the remainder of that show and left gun owners in North Carolina wondering just where you stand on this issue. I am distressed to know that Republican leaders in NC will take such actions in response to an accident. While accidents occur in many aspects of our society, we don’t see leaders banning the sales of automobiles, swimming pools, or other recreational equipment that is involved. It leaves me wondering where, exactly, do you stand on the issue of gun control.

While President Obama and other national leaders prepare to take away our rights as gun owners, I wanted to send this email to get your answer. Mr. Troxler, where do you stand on gun control in relation to President Obama’s agenda? When I cast my vote in elections, I vote for those who most closely reflect my own values. It saddens me to discover that, in some cases, I have made a mistake. I would appreciate knowing exactly where you stand on this issue so I can make a more informed vote in future elections.


Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum for Firearms Education is a non-profit, all volunteer organization devoted to educating the public about trends which abridge the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and engaging in grass roots activism to preserve those freedoms. Formed in 1994 to conduct a highly successful rally for the Second Amendment, GRNC has gone on to conduct projects like “Remember in November: A Gun Owner’s Guide to Voting,” bringing concealed carry to North Carolina.