Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

A Modern Day Version of Paul Revere

The fanaticism of our adversaries and the encouragement of a complicit and supportive media are hard at work gnawing away, inch-by-inch, at our freedoms to fish, hunt and practice conservation...

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NJOA Comments on Recent Black Bear Attack in New Jersey

We are relieved that yesterday's attack resulted in only minor injuries, but it should be a sobering omen to take bear management seriously...

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Times of Trenton Allows NJOA to Respond to Anti Conservation Bear Groups

Times of Trenton Allows NJOA to Respond to Anti Conservation Bear Groups TRENTON, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- Some of you know that a few weeks ago the NJOA and I were the targets of a baseless smear campaign. The Times of Trenton allowed me to respond on behalf of the quality people associated with our organization. I […]

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Court Rules Against Anti’s Stay of Bear Season

Judges rejected a request for an injunction made by the New Jersey Animal Protection League and the Bear Education and Resource Group to prevent the State's first black bear hunt since 2005...

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Anti Conservation Groups Sue to Stop New Jersey Bear Hunt

This lawsuit for what it really is…a last ditch anti-hunting effort that undermines the state’s science based management plan in favor of animal's rights...

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An Animal Extremist Interviews NJOA Chairman

The arrival of the 150' bow perimeter bill in the New Jersey legislature has prompted a campaign against me and the NJOA by people with a motive to stop the legislation...

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NJ BEAR Group Wastes Tax Payer Money To Promote Anti-Hunting Agenda

Bear Education and Resource Group who's website if filled with pictures of warm fuzzy bears continues to endanger NJ residents with misleading advice on the growing black bear population...

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PETA Animal Extremists to Protest NJ Deer Hunt

PETA Animal Extremists to Protest NJ Deer Hunt They would rather deer starve to death than reduce the population size and they have the nerve to claim the love animals… AmmoLand.com Woodland Park, NJ – -(AmmoLand.com)- PETA is aggressively involved in attempting to stop the deer hunt in Passiac County. They have requested that the […]

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