Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Rubio Owes Cruz an Apology’ For Gun Control Lies
by AWR HawkinsWhen Sen. Marco Rubio was a local commissioner in Florida in 1999, he voted to ban guns from local parks. Ten called Cruz a liar when he brought it up....
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Favored Son – Branco
by A.F. BrancoThe living, breathing GOP establishment, turned out in droves for the favored candidate of the party elite, and they still came up just short of beating Donald Trump...
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Marco Rubio Has a Second Amendment Problem
by DeltaOperatorManWhen Marco Rubio was a local commissioner in Florida in 1999, he voted to ban guns from local parks.
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Marco Rubio Under Fire Over Voting For Miami Gun Ban In Public Parks
by AWR HawkinsIt should be noted that this is not the first time Rubio has been called out publicly for taking a less-than-pro-gun position.
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2016 Begins
by DeltaOperatorManThe 2016 presidential campaign is now officially underway, with the completion of the Iowa caucuses last Monday evening.
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The Remainderman
by Pat BuchananDonald Trump won more votes in the Iowa caucuses than any Republican candidate in history. Impressive, except Ted Cruz set the new all-time record...
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Up For Grabs
by A.F. BrancoCruz said he was rebuilding the Ronald Reagan coalition; and Marco Rubio said he could bring conservatism to a new generation of voters.
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After Iowa
by Thomas SowellSenator Ted Cruz's upset victory against Donald Trump has robbed "The Donald" of his stock answer to any criticism from rivals— that he is winning and his critics are losers...
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A National Security History Lesson for Marco Rubio
by Michelle MalkinGang of Eight Republicans want conservatives to jump in bed with these security saboteurs for another Amnesty Now, Enforcement Never plan? Who's Rubio kidding? Only himself.
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Chris Christie spins veto on gun control measure he originated
by Chris EgerIn this week's sixth Republican presidential debate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie fended off critics by taking credit for vetoing a gun ban that his office proposed to begin with.
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Hellfire missile sent to Europe somehow ends up in Cuba
by Chris EgerIn what is being termed one of the worst losses of sensitive military tech, a Hellfire missile sent to Europe for a training exercise in 2014 landed in Cuba and Castro still has it.
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GOP Presidential Candidates’ ‘Terror Watchlist’ Positions Important to Gun Owners
by David CodreaWhat the Republican candidates have publicly stated bears examination by politically-engaged gun owners looking to the GOP for a leader who will defend and advance RKBA.
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