Art by A.F. Branco
USA –-( Up For Grabs
“A day after Ted Cruz took Iowa, Republican presidential candidates began flocking to New Hampshire as a new race began taking shape.
Donald Trump vowed a comeback and spun his second-place finish in Iowa as a victory; Cruz said he was rebuilding the Ronald Reagan coalition; and Marco Rubio said he could bring conservatism to a new generation of voters.” – GOP foes grab for Reagan legacy in New Hampshire
The three were suddenly to focus of attention in New Hampshire, leaving a half dozen other contenders desperately trying to break into the top tier in next Tuesday's first in the nation primary.
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About A.F. Branco
A.F. Branco is a GrassRoots Conservative Political Cartoonist for Conservative Daily News, Net Right Daily, Legal Insurrection, and now Ammoland Shooting Sports News. Share this page and help spread our pro gun, conservative message with humor.
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