Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Dispatches from gun country: ‘For more than 40 years, I have helped to lead the pro-gun rights movement’
by Ben PhilippiIn 1971, Alan Gottlieb founded the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Three years later, he founded the Second Amendment Foundation. His organizations have been instrumental in winning multiple lawsuits defending the Second Amendment.
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U.N. On ‘Collision Course’ With Second Amendment, Says Second Amendment Foundation
by Alan GottliebThe UN acknowledge that women are disproportionally the victims of horrendous violence. Yet, they turn a blind eye to the reality that women have a right to defend themselves and are capable of doing so...
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Second Amendment Foundation Part of Growing International Coalition – IAPCAR
by Alan GottliebInternational Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights announced today that civilian arms rights groups in the Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus have joined the international coalition of 28 associations in 20 countries...
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IAPCAR Update on the Moscow Right to Bear Arms Conference
by AmmolandIAPCAR directors Julianne Versnel and Alan Gottlieb will speak at an upcoming conference in Moscow on October 31 – November 1 2013...
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SAF Remarks To U.N. Stopped By Storm Still Carry Powerful Message
by Alan GottliebIt took a hurricane to prevent it, but remarks originally scheduled to be delivered today at the United Nations by the Second Amendment Foundation still carry more clout than a storm...
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