Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Secretary General of INTERPOL May Find Himself Out of a Job for Armed Civilian Comments

The head of INTERPOL created a minor stir when he suggested that armed civilians might be a more realistic answer. You can bet that his comments won’t be ignored by the statist at the UN & the White House...

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Now Is the Time for Police & Gun Owner Unity

Interpol's chief recently drilled a hole in anti-gun programs, when Secretary General Ronald Noble suggested open societies be protected from terrorists by citizens defending themselves with guns...

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Interpol Secretary proposes new solution to mass shootings, int’l terrorism: ‘Arm civilians’

"You have to ask yourself, 'Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism?" - Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble.

The post Interpol Secretary proposes new solution to mass shootings, int’l terrorism: ‘Arm civilians’ appeared first on Guns.com.