Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Zimmerman Verdict Shows Respect for the Right to Use a Gun in Self-Defense
by John SnyderUnder the Sunshine State's statute, a defendant does not have to prove he or she first tried to retreat before resorting to self-defense if and when charged with a crime...
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July 4th Shows Big Shot Loss of American Ideals
by John SnyderOur 4th of July reflection makes us realize how far from the ideals of our Founding Fathers some powerful American leaders really are...
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Gun Law Expert Hits Proposal for Special Firearms Sales Tax
by John SnyderAmerican freedom lovers may recognize that the right to keep and bear arms is the linchpin of our liberty and reject the Finley-Culhane call for this ridiculous tax...
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Unravel the Culture of Death
by John SnyderThe Obama attacks on the right to life and on the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of life are two aspects of what Blessed John Paul termed the culture of death...
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Obama Attacks on Guns & Religion are Assaults on Freedom
by John SnyderThe Obama attacks on freedom of religion and on the right to keep and bear arms reflect the administration's intolerance of individual freedom...
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IRS Scandal Shows You Can’t Trust Government, says Gun Law Expert
by John SnyderOfficials used their authority for political purposes against certain individuals and organizations...
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Obama the Ringmaster in Chief of Washington Scandal Circus
by John SnyderWhat the whole thing shows is something a lot of people have realized for some time. That is that big government is big trouble...
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Elitists Preach Abortion Rights to Kill Child But Scream NO Gun Rights to Defend Family
by John Snyderthe rank hypocrisy of politically correct elitists who profess that a woman has a right to kill her own child but a man does not have a right to protect his own family with a firearm...
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Studies Prove We Should Dump the Gun Grabbers
by John SnyderGun crime is decreasing here in the US where 100 million people own 300 million firearms and citizens buy over 10 million new firearms a year, yet anti-gun lunatics want to more restrictions...
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Gun Owners Should Drive Gun Grabbers into Political Oblivion
by John SnyderAmerican gun owners should resolve to drive gun grabbers into social and political oblivion...
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Gun Grabbers Who Lie to Americans Should be Punished ~ Video
by John SnyderAs Senate rejects more gun control for United States, gun grabbers try to blame various factors for their failure...
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Reject Bloomberg’s Attempt to Buy America & the Senate for Gun Control ~ Video
by John SnyderLet Bloomberg know he cannot buy America for the gun grabbers. The Senate should reject Obama's gun control proposals outright and affirm support for gun rights by recognition of national CCW reciprocity...
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