Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Colorado, Darryl Glenn Needs Your Vote in November

Darryl Glenn will oppose anti-gun nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court. Colorado. we need to send Darryl Glenn to the U.S. Senate this fall..

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Donald J. Trump Announces Creation Of Israel Advisory Committee

Donald J. Trump announced the formation of the Israel Advisory Committee to analyze U.S. policy toward the State of Israel, enhance the unbreakable bond between the countries...

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Voters Catching on to Gun Control’s Absurdity

Jeff Knox touts 2 recent Big Media polls showing rejection of 'assault weapon' ban.

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Support Pro Gun Candidate Geoff Diehl For Massachusetts Senate

As a State Representative, Geoff Diehl has voted to protect our Second Amendment rights. His opponent, Rep. Mike Brady, has a failing grade of 17%...

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Democrats Don’t Debate Gun Control? But HOW MUCH Gun Control ~ VIDEO

Last week the first Democratic presidential debate was held & Democrats fell over themselves to see who could pledge support for the most gun control...

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Firearms on the Cutting Edge for Fed up Voters

The Second Amendment individual right to keep & bear arms is on the cutting edge of concern for millions of fed up voters...

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Opponents of Campus Carry Assume Texas Voters have Short Attention Spans

The legislators and gun-control activists who incessantly parrot the claim that Senator Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury) is pandering to Baylor University (the largest employer in his district) by.........

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Faith-based Voters and the 2014 Midterm Elections: Is the GOP the Religion Party?

National exit polling from Congressional races tells us some interesting things about the role of religious values in the 2014 midterm elections...

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Gun Voters – I Can’t Thank You Enough

The results speak for themselves. In nearly every close race, and even in some races that weren’t predicted to be close, YOUR leadership as an NRA member made all the difference...

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Remember the SAFE Act, Today is the Day Go Vote, Take Back New York State

If we fail to elect Rob Astorino Governor of New York or we let the NYS Senate slip in to Downstate Liberal hands life in upstate New York will cease to exist as we now know it...

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Message from NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox

Tuesday’s elections are the most important of our lifetime. Our fundamental right to keep and bear arms has never been in greater jeopardy...

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Vote Lawlessness Out Of Office On November 4 2014

President Barack Obama’s rogue executive branch and his rubber-stamp U.S. Senate majority running interference, President Lincoln’s hallowed words no longer resonate. "a government of the people"...

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