Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Functional 3D Printed Hybrid Pepperbox .22: the PG22 Maverick
by Dean WeingartenRalph Peters, in Wisconsin, has built a hybrid 3D printed with metal parts pepperbox revolver. It is an innovative design which illustrates the futility of attempting to outlaw firearms.
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Defense Training International Operator Instruction Series Offers FREE Training Video
by John FarnamDefense Training International's Offers FREE Training Videos for unconditional sharing with friends, family, colleagues, & all others who may benefit...
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Marines with 6th Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company Conducts Fire Training ~ VIDEO
by AmmolandThe training provided the Marines with a hands on opportunity to work alongside another Marine unit while meeting annual training and readiness standards.
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DTI Operator Video Training Site – Now Active
by John FarnamThis exclusive, supplemental video instruction, by John & Vicki Farnam, is intended for DTI Alumni, but is suitable for LE, Military, and all other serious Operators.
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How Bulletproof Are Melons?
by DeltaOperatorManWe know that a BulletSafe vest; www.BulletSafe.com, will stop a .50 Cal Desert Eagle, but how does that bullet do against regular objects?
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How Bulletproof Is Beer? Is It as Bulletproof as a BulletSafe Vest?
by DeltaOperatorManWe know that a BulletSafe vest; www.BulletSafe.com, will stop a .50 Cal Desert Eagle, but how does that bullet do against regular objects?
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Gun Culture Project: Debunking Stereotypes About Gun Owners ~ Video
by AmmolandBrian Lilley of TheRebel.media talks to Professor Brian Given of Carleton University, about his research into firearms ownership. The Gun Culture Project...
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AmmoLand Newswire To Feature Multiple Live Video Feeds from NRA-AM
by AmmolandAmmoLand Shooting Sports News will be featuring multiple live video feeds from inside this years NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits...
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SilencerCo Explores the Beginnings of Johnny Dronehunter ~ Video
by AmmolandEvery legend has a beginning. Every beginning has an origin...
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Action Target Releases New Corporate Video
by AmmolandAction Target Inc. is a privately owned business headquartered in Provo, Utah. As a world leader in shooting range technology...
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Armed and Alert Business Owner Stops Crime Spree ~ Video
by Dean WeingartenAn alert and armed business owner made a citizens arrest of the third suspect in a string of over 40 burglaries.
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Video of a Break-in with Machete, self defense
by Dean WeingartenThe dramatic video shows how flimsy many modern doors are. Notice that the locks held, and that the attacker kicked his way in. The Machete was not needed.
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