SilencerCo Explores the Beginnings of Johnny Dronehunter ~ Video

SilencerCo Explores the Beginnings of Johnny Dronehunter
SilencerCo Explores the Beginnings of Johnny Dronehunter

USA –-( Johnny Dronehunter: Beginnings. Every legend has a beginning. Every beginning has an origin.

This is the tale of Johnny Dronehunter. Click the image below to watch now.

About SilencerCo:
Founded in West Valley, Utah in 2008, SilencerCo started with a belief in the fundamental premise that firearms don’t have to be loud and has now become the market leader in sound suppressors, muzzle devices, and related products. By investing in innovation, customer service, organic manufacturing, advocacy, education, and talent, SilencerCo is now focused on making firearms hearing safe for all hunting and shooting applications, making products that have never been made before, and making the buying experience a better one.