Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Trump-Rejecting Republican Has Plan to Drive Gun Owners from GOP

Are Republicans really stupid enough to believe they can take the fire out of the bellies of their core constituents and give the Democrats everything they demand?

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Tribalism Marches On!

Tribalism appears to be doing to the Bush New World Order what it did to Mikhail Gorbachev's Soviet Union.

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Is the Party Over for Bushism?

America crossed a historic divide and entered a new era. Even should Trump lose, there is likely no going back...

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Traffic stops on TX highway as fallen officer’s funeral procession passes (VIDEO)

Altogether, the massive funeral procession took about half an hour to pass, as scores of people stopped their vehicles to show respect.

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No Bush Endorsement for Trump

The bush family has decided to take their ball and go home...

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Making America Great Means Exposing ‘W’

Making America great again, the theme of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, depends on dispelling the myths and myth-making that made America bad..

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Editorial: Professor’s Cheney mask incident shows liberals’ true colors (VIDEO)

If a conservative professor had pulled a stunt like the one Professor John Gruhl pulled recently, every liberal news outlet in the country would be demanding his position or even his arrest.

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