Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Pennsylvania Castle Doctrine House Bill 40 Update

This legislation, that has 126 cosponsors, would most likely pass if it was brought to the floor, this is a clear attempt at silencing the will of the people and the rank-and-file legislators...

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Swirling Array Of Gun Constitutional Issues At The Federal & State Levels

Rep. Thomas admitted that the enactment of local ordinances was a case of civil disobedience clearly indicating that these anti-gun state representatives and Cease-Fire PA were conspiring to break in violate Pennsylvania law...

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Firearms Owners Against Crime Gun Owner Update – Feb 2010

Each month we try to cover as much of the information that is directly relevant to the gun control/second amendment debate and it is growing increasingly difficult...

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Undercover “ATF” Resale Shop Attracted Illegal Sales of More Than 50 Firearms and Narcotics

news began to spread around Rockford beginning in April 2009 that the managers of a new resale shop were willing to purchase firearms, stolen property and narcotics and, soon, business was brisk....

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