Firearms Owners Against Crime Gun Owner Update – Feb 2010
Pennsylvania –-( First let me wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day!
Each month we try to cover as much of the information that is directly relevant to the gun control/second amendment debate. It is growing increasingly difficult to be able to present these issues in a way that will not overwhelm the average individual.
We face so many overt issues such as preemption violations, covering legislative issues at the state and federal level-pro and anti-gun, educating legislators on the issues, etc. that the more underhanded and sinister attacks on our freedoms are difficult to document and report on in a timely fashion.
We have a host of deeply troubling behind-the-scenes initiatives such as reports of censorship running rampant on the Internet, federal agencies collecting information on gun owners from gun dealers, state legislators electing anti-gun committee chairman in secret, legislative meetings being held without advising pro-gun leaders and the list goes on and on.
On top of all of this is the issue of the average gun owner turning a blind eye to these and so many other issues. I’m sure all of us know some gun owners who have a myriad of reasons as to why they don’t need to be involved. All one has to do is to go to a gun show or the average gun club and take a look around.
I encourage you to grab these guys by the scruff of their philosophical neck and do your best to wake them up! We need everyone in this struggle for our freedoms and our heritage.
In the attached newsletter is information related to the 5th Annual Second Amendment Rally in Harrisburg scheduled for April 27th. Please take this information (Flyers are available on the website) and share it around to your friends and post it at your gun club. There are many changes involved with what we are doing with this rally to make it easier to sign up and so that more attendees can have a chance at prizes without any requirement to purchase anything. With 2010 being an election year and so many pro-gun pieces of legislation filed our behalf is extremely important that we make a strong impression by our presence in Harrisburg to talk about these issues and encourage legislators to bring these bills to the floor for a vote. Please try to do whatever you can to help us have an even better rally than we’ve had in the past!
Please take a moment to review the attached February/2010 FOAC e-newsletter that represents the latest information about the expanding variety of issues that are pertinent to our Freedoms. You are also encouraged to forward this article to your friends and fellow gun owners. For more important developments and news links that contain up to the minute information on political, election and recent firearms issues please visit our website–FOAC. If you would like FOAC to hold a special meeting or speak to any gun club in your area to energize local gun owners please contact us for further details.
Best Regards, Kim Stolfer, ChairmanFirearms Owners Against Crime
The Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC) is non-partisan, non-connected Political Action Committee organized to empower ‘all’ gun owners, outdoors enthusiasts and supporters of the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution Visit: