Pennsylvania Castle Doctrine House Bill 40 Update
Leadership Sends HB 40 to the House Appropriations Committee to Die:
Pennsylvania –-( While the public’s attention was distracted and captivated by the torturous budget debate, House Bill 40 (Castle doctrine) was quietly spirited into the House Appropriations Committee to what some political observers believe is to be left to a slow and quiet death at the hands of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Democratic leadership.
In choosing this parliamentary maneuver and tactic it may be accurate to say that this is backfiring on the political power brokers. The sponsor, Rep. Scott Perry, and some in the media (PA Self Defense Bill Appears Dead) have expressed growing frustration at the fact that this legislation, that has 126 cosponsors, would most likely pass if it was brought to the floor and that this is a clear attempt at silencing the will of the people and the rank-and-file legislators.
Gun rights activists continue to pressure the House and the Senate to take up the mantle of this legislation and bring it to the floor for a full vote. Not only do gun owners deserve the opportunity to present this matter to the full legislature but so do the tireless advocates on both sides of the aisle who have continued to sponsor and cosponsor this legislation.
We encourage you to continue to keep up the pressure and focus on the members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Appropriations Committee members to petition and beseech the majority chairman of this committee, Rep. Dwight Evans, to release this bill from the clutches of his legislative dungeon.
The Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC) is non-partisan, non-connected Political Action Committee organized to empower `all’ gun owners, outdoors enthusiasts and supporters of the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution Visit: