Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

What Lies Behind the Malaise of the West?

Is it coincidence or contagion, this malady that seems to have suddenly induced paralysis in the leading nations of the West?

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Ludwig Willnegger FACE’s New Secretary General

The Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU is pleased to announce that Mr. Ludwig Willnegger is the new Secretary General of FACE.

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Comments on DJT, from friends in Western Europe

What is hardest for us to believe is that DJT is faithfully executing promises he made during his campaign. Unheard of among modern politicians.

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Is Liberal Democracy an Endangered Species?

This has caused millions to recoil and declare: If this is what liberal democracy produces, then to hell with it.

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European Commission Update, Citizens Wake Up

They wanted to ban all rifles that ‘look like’ ARs and Kalashnikovs, as well as all magazines (rifle and pistol) that hold more than ten rounds.

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Hunting in Europe is Worth 16 Billion Euros

During a conference held on Tuesday at the European Parliament, FACE explained that hunting is worth 16 billion Euros for the European economy.

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The Economic Value of Hunting in the EU

The Economic Value of Hunting in the EU will be discussed at a conference organized by the Intergroup "Biodiversity, Hunting, Conservation" in the European Parliament.

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The Mess of the European Union Banking System — Are Italian Banks Doomed?

Fred Kingery explains the possible implications of a “bail-in” and how Italy’s non-performing loans (around $400 billion) could damage the country and the EU.

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