Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Anti Gun “Disclose Act” Fight Moves to the Senate

However, what was supposed to be an easy victory with minimal resistance turned into an all out battle and "Disclose" passed by a slim margin of just 219 to 206...

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House Passes Disclose Act, Fight Moves To Senate

This past Thursday afternoon House Speaker Nancy Pelosi forced the free-speech limiting DISCLOSE Act through the House of Representatives...

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Pelosi Trying to Shove DISCLOSE Act through Congress Once Again

Top Democrat leaders in the House are trying to make another go at the DISCLOSE Act... and they think they are very close to getting the votes to pass it...

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Pelosi Schedules Vote on DISCLOSE Act This Thursday

They are only attempting to divide the gun community (which the NRA exemption deal does) in order to conquer us...

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Examining NRA’s Response To Disclose Act

The stakes are high - nothing less than the ultimate survival of American freedom is at stake...

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NRA Blowing Holes in Democratic Deviousness Through Inaction

The NRA is responsible for moving the public mindset, for challenging and changing the debate in the court of popular opinion, in a way all the smaller players could not...

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David Keene, NRA First Vice-President On H.R. 5175

I have to tell you that I never thought the Democrats would agree to this -- not because they have much regard for constitutional rights -- because I didn't believe their left wing would allow it...

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Gun Owners Needs to Stay Focused On The Big Prize

In fact, the misunderstanding will have damaged the NRA and the unending fight for our gun rights...

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NRA and Freedom of Speech

The confusion and conflict among Democrats is good news for supporters of liberty and the Constitution...

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Anti-Gun DISCLOSE Act On The Ropes

Anti-Gun DISCLOSE Act On The Ropes Congratulations: We are Winning… for Now! “Gun Owners of America has been one of the key players in opposing the DISCLOSE Act.” — Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- Thank you all for your hard work. The DISCLOSE Act is on the ropes! Here's what The Washington Post […]

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