Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Anti-Gun Child, David Hogg, Gets Stuffed on Failed Recall Attempt of Critic ~ VIDEO

The Twitter platform may not be an equal opportunity soapbox, with some flawed opinions reportedly getting more exposure than others & some speakers seemingly operating with greater impunity.

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Enforcers Intimidate Parkland Student for Going to Gun Range with Father

It was done for no other apparent reasons than Kashuv disagreeing with prevailing “progressive” sentiment on guns.

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David Hogg vs. Audie Murphy: Who Is The Real Hero?

David Hogg is NOT a hero. David Hogg is the anti-hero who is being bolstered and pushed by Soros money to tear down conservatives like Laura Ingraham and to bully the rest of America into submission.

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Does David Hogg have PTSD?

This generation is not what I would call tough or mature. They’re coddled, protected and the worse adversity they ever face is what emoji to use on their new iPhone.

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Demeanor of March for Our Lives ‘Student Leaders’ Could be Movement’s Achilles’ Heel

It’s pretty obvious that the gun-grabbing feeding frenzy we see going on is as much based on a cult of personalities as it is on anything else...

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