Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Runcie Getting Chance at Constitutional Justice He Would Deny to Gun Owners
by David CodreaWhether Runcie is guilty or innocent will be revealed. That’s why due process and rigorous adherence to Constitutional protections by those in power are so important.
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David Hogg’s ‘Big Lie’ about Second Amendment Falls Apart Under Minimal Scrutiny
by David Codrea“We’re pro second amendment” reveals itself to be not just a lie, but a big one.
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Old Enough to be an Adult… or Not
by Rob MorseWe’re told that anti-gun spokes-children from Florida should be admired for their sincerity. Then, we’re told that young people under 21 years of age are too immature to make serious decisions.
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Enforcers Intimidate Parkland Student for Going to Gun Range with Father
by David CodreaIt was done for no other apparent reasons than Kashuv disagreeing with prevailing “progressive” sentiment on guns.
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