Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
New FOIA Request Filed on Hunter Biden Gun Investigation Now That Privacy Excuse is Gone
by David Codrea
Because the DOJ has now made charges public, and because Biden’s attorney has acknowledged those charges, attorney Stephen Stamboulieh filed a new FOIA request Tuesday afternoon.
Mooting Cases Can Chill Incentives to Pursue Gun Denials
by David Codrea
Who wants to spend years and substantial effort to force a correction and not even be able to recover costs? Who has those kinds of resources?
Police Handwringing Over Ohio Permitless Gun Carry A Big Nothing Burger
by David Codrea
It’s been a year now, & you’d think if constitutional carry in Ohio were a dangerous issue, there would be no shortage of examples...
Los Angeles City Council Arrests Point to ‘Criminals for Gun Control’ Mentality
by David Codrea
“I am a firm believer in the control of guns, the restraint of guns, and the federal government’s proposal for the regulation of guns...”
Republican Holdouts on Pistol Brace Vote Point to Larger GOP Problem
by David Codrea
With this being SOP for the GOP, it’s no wonder lesser luminaries like Fitzpatrick and Kean feel like they can do anything they want...
Democrats Pressuring House Republicans into Caving on Guns
by David Codrea
The reality is, if all the Democrats need are five Republicans, they may already have them...
Prohibitionists Exploit Republican Women’s Ignorance and Feelings in Polling on Guns
by David Codrea
Our rights are now dependent on ignorant neuroses ginned up by professional fear mongers...?
DOJ Prosecutes Black Mother On 4473 Drug Denial While Giving Passes to Democrats
by David Codrea
It’s more than a bit curious that the disparities seem to be falling the way that they are, along racial lines...
Newsom Goes Full Orwell with 28th Amendment to Gut 2nd
by David Codrea
While Newson’s 28th Amendment may not appear as draconian on the surface as Moore’s, his, too, includes the provision for unlimited expansion...
‘White Women’ Prove Claim That ‘No One Wants to Take Your Guns’ is a Lie
by David Codrea
If they believe trying to enforce it wouldn’t result in a civil war when they order Americans to give up their guns and then try to confiscate them, they are morons, as well as genocidal maniacs.
New York ‘Gun Violence’ Medicaid Bill a Wealth Redistribution Boondoggle
by David Codrea
“Medicaid would reimburse violence prevention programs in New York under a proposal advanced Tuesday in the state Senate”...
Fetterman Aide Unwittingly Refutes ‘No One Wants to Take Your Guns’ Lie
by David Codrea
“He’s (Fetterman's) 100 percent for gun control,” Borwegen claimed. “Banning automatic weapons, all that s***, he’d be OK with overturning the Second Amendment, probably. I think he’d much rather prefer that nobody have guns at all.”