Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
‘In Common Use’ Can Ultimately be Used to Make the Second Amendment a Moot Point
by David Codrea
Who knows what those imposing their demands will have at their disposal, along with the power to withhold from citizens 50 years from now, or 100, or beyond?
FATD Response Arrives Years Late With Product Modifications, Were They Being Set Up by ATF?
by David Codrea
“Did ATF manufacture an SBR [short-barreled rifle]?” he asked. “Did they properly mark their manufactured SBR?” “The submitted firearm has never been assembled.”
Armed Defense of Vatican Highlights Church Hypocrisy on Guns
by David Codrea
"In a world marked by evil and sin, the right of legitimate defense by armed means exists."
Biden’s New Gun Actions Could Not Have Happened Without Republican Help
by David Codrea
The whole thing is a meaningless boondoggle that does what Democrats with the media in their pockets do best: Spend money that’s not theirs, attack rights, and spread lies.
Obama: Public Attitude on Guns Needs Reshaping; Murphy Predicts ‘Popular Revolt’
by David Codrea
Two leading Democrat gun control proponents—former President Barack Obama and Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy—are sending signals about where the battle over Second Amendment rights is headed.
Media Doesn’t Mention Its ‘Responsible’ Gun Owner is a Democrat Apparatchik
by David Codrea
He’s also a Democrat apparatchik aspiring to political power as Chair of the Collin County Democratic Party.
The Founders Knew About and Had No Problem with ‘Stabilizing Braces’
by David Codrea
The Founders knew about pistol braces and had no problem with them. And not to put too fine a point on things, but short barrels weren’t an issue with them either.
‘Law and Order’ Gun Owners Should Understand There’s No ‘Good Gun Control’
by David Codrea
If moral self-government is not restored, then the future our children and their children will face will be one of tyranny.
There’s No Reason for Indiana Statehouse Campus to be a ‘Gun-Free Zone’
by David Codrea
That leads to the logical question of why the politicians would be safe when outnumbered by gun owners on one side of an artificial property line, and wouldn’t be if those same gun owners took one step over it...
Democrats Focus on the Gun Rather than A Weak Border After Texas Executions
by David Codrea
So instead, look for much of the focus to concentrate on AR-15s, and on NRA having “blood on its hands.”
Deceptive Petition: Falsely Claiming Gun Owner Support for Infringements
by David Codrea
They’re exploiting the uninformed or those for whom RKBA is of secondary interest, new gun owners, aka GunCulture 2.0, the Fudds, & Democrats with guns.
House Oversight Could Press Stonewalling FBI to Testify on Nashville Shooter Manifesto
by David Codrea
With the FBI involved, there is an option available for getting this resolved through our representatives.