Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
With Foreign Nationals Empowered to Disarm Americans, Who Needs Blue Helmets?
by David Codrea
And they’ll be authorized to employ the full continuum of violence against citizens to enforce all laws, including “gun laws.”
Hunter Biden Plea Deal Implosion Puts New FOIA on Indefinite Hold
by David Codrea
At some point, it becomes obvious they really don’t want to answer this at all and will keep coming up with reasons to stonewall and defer for as long as it takes.
Brazil Returns to Gun Control of Old Under Socialist Dictator Lula
by David Codrea
"But we cannot allow gun arsenals to be in people's hands. We will continue to fight for fewer weapons in our country. Only the police and the army must be well-armed."
Ohio Prohibitionists Counting on Gun Owner Unawareness Over Issue 1
by David Codrea
If you’re an Ohio gun owner, do that now, and then make sure everyone within your sphere of influence is motivated to vote "Yes on Issue 1."
ATF Has Zero Tolerance for Everything But Its Own Abusive Criminality
by David Codrea
For the ATF to presume itself the arbiter of “zero errors,” willful or otherwise, is beyond a sick and hypocritical joke: it is obscene.
It’s Time Hung Cao Applied Personal Courage to Political Courage on Guns
by David Codrea
If you really want to stop communists from taking over here, you ultimately can't do it without an armed citizenry.
Gilgo Beach Murders Used to Smear Gun Owners, Republicans, & Trump Supporters
by David Codrea
Guns have no relevance to the crimes being investigated, so why suggest that owning them is abnormal or dangerous or that you are a serial killer?
Continuing Failed Policies and Blaming Guns Ensures Urban Shootings Will Continue
by David Codrea
But no matter, because the messaging that will be the constant is that the problem is with guns (combined with systemic racism) and the solution is more prohibitions.
Elites Worried About Violent Rebellion Fear Monster They Helped Create
by David Codrea
Ironically, the main impediment to any of this happening is what the Founders knew to be “necessary to the security of a free State”...
Bad-Mouthing Youth Shooting Sports Shows Brady Interested in Prohibition, Not Gun Safety
by David Codrea
The truth is that shooting sports, don’t even make the list of most dangerous or even common high school sports resulting in injuries.
Kloepfer Lawsuit Documents ‘Attempted Murder’ of Unarmed Citizen by Police
by David Codrea
If not for Jason's additional surveillance camera inside the home... then the truth never would have come to light and the Defendants would have gotten away with attempted murder and convicted Jason on false criminal charges...
Most Dangerous Homes Won’t Be Impacted by Gun Lock Bill
by David Codrea
Besides, who believes Tlaib’s real motivation for this is “gun safety for the children”?