U.S.A. — “Tlaib Introduces Safe Storage Saves Lives Act to Reduce Firearm Deaths of Children,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib announced in a June 16 press release. “The Safe Storage Saves Lives Act would require a firearms seller to provide each purchaser with a compatible secure gun storage or safety device (commonly known as a ‘gun lock’) for every firearm they buy.”
“It’s horrifying that 4.6 million children in our country live in homes with a loaded and unlocked firearm,” Tlaib declared. “Tragically, in Southeast Michigan, we have witnessed the deadly consequences of children having easy access to firearms in their homes.”
That brings three questions immediately to mind.
The first question might be where Tlaib pulled that 4.6 million figure from, and the answer is from a 2015 online survey conducted by anti-gun academics and promoted by the Michael-Bloomberg “seeded” The Trace. It’s curious that the same people who present surveys as gospel when they support more infringements on the right to keep and bear arms are so ready to scream “BS!” and kill the messenger when surveys show DGUs (defensive gun uses) vastly outnumber criminal homicides using firearms.
The second question also goes back to data that reveals an inconvenient truth for the gun-grabbers. How many of those homes obtain their guns through legal channels? Again, as honest studies prove, rather than be a uniformly spread-out nationwide problem, lethal gun abuses are concentrated in a small set of urban areas. We’re essentially talking about criminal households where guns have not been obtained through “legal” channels in the first place, and where routine higher-risk behaviors, substance abuse, and other criminal activities make higher instances of violent outcomes inevitable.
They’re not going to get a gun lock from a black-market dealer, are they?
A third question that comes to mind is just who is inclined to answer such surveys in the first place. We’ll take an informal poll here, among Ammoland readers, arguably among the most experienced armed citizens around: How many of you have ever been asked to complete such surveys and opened up to strangers with unknown agendas about guns that you own, and how knowledgeable would you judge someone who does to be?
What savvy gun owners know is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to gun safety, and that nothing beats development-appropriate training, something Tlaib and her ilk adamantly oppose, to teach a young person what guns are capable of doing and why they’re not to be carelessly or criminally mishandled. Of course, that also requires being consistent, responsible, and involved role models, something a cheap piece of hardware can never be a substitute for.
Besides, who believes Tlaib’s real motivation for this is “gun safety for the children”? She’s a doctrinaire gun-grabber, and what she can get in increments today she’ll springboard off of to get more infringements tomorrow. So if they can fine sellers for no gun locks this time around, next time it will be to fine homeowners for not using them.
And don’t think for a second she’ll stop there. From her Facebook:
“I’m honored to have Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America’s trust that I’ll go to Washington and fight the NRA and their Republican cronies and help pass common sense reforms to keep our communities and families safe from gun violence. As I like to say, time to clear out the room and send some moms to fix this crisis.”
And from her website:
“I am angry about the increased violence across the country due to guns. Please know that I am committed to ending the epidemic of gun violence and mass shootings plaguing our country. On this policy issue, we simply must face the facts: the U.S. has some of the loosest gun safety laws on Earth and as a result, has far more mass shootings and school shootings than anywhere else on the planet … Some states have even taken steps where open carry is legal, requiring no permits. This widespread epidemic calls for an overall response on all levels of government … Tlaib Leads Colleagues Urging President Biden to Crack Down on 3D-Printed Ghost Guns … Assault Weapons Ban…”
Who thinks that will then be enough for her? We all know what the ultimate goal is, and if anyone still believes no one is talking about taking your guns (of course they are!), just point them to Gavin Newsom’s 28th Amendment and the idiot “white women” demanding the government do just that.
There’s a reason they call these control freaks “totalitarians.”
Tlaib is no different, and has one other curious connection that puts an exclamation point on her demands to trample the Second Amendment and disarm the citizenry: She’s an in-your-face member of the Democratic Socialists of America. She’s basically a better-connected Antifa punk in more expensive clothes.
And a curious thing about the DSA is not what’s on their website, but what they’ve removed from it, and is now only accessible thanks to the Internet Archive… They have songs that they once defiantly featured, but now evidently consider to be liabilities, probably because of the sentiment and intent they expose:
Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie
Traditional American song, sung in rounds to the tune of “Frere Jacques”.
Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie,
And when the revolution comes,
We’ll kill you all with knives and guns,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie, See How They Run
Usually sung in rounds after “Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie”. Sung to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”.
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie,
See how they run,
See how they run
And when the revolution comes,
We’ll kill them all with knives and guns,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie
They’re talking about the middle class, “traditional values Americans,” what Hillary Clinton calls “Deplorables.” You know, the ones they call “haters.”
Who’s ready to “compromise” with Rashida? After all, we’re just talking about gun locks, right?
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.