Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

U.S. Gun Banner Tells UK Paper ‘Traitors’ Think 2nd Amendment is to Fight Tyranny

“The idea that individuals have the right to fight against tyranny is as old as the republic,” Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Executive Director Josh Horwitz tells the UK’s The Guardian.

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Dallas ‘Swats’ Deadly CSGV Advice on Open Carry

Both citizens and police are unnecessarily placed at heightened risk by hysterical and/or malicious 911 calls.

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Group protests DOJ’s $2.4 million grant for pro-gun safety project

Gun control group CSGV is petitioning to cancel a $2.4 million grant awarded by the Justice Dept. to fund a free gun lock program by the NSSF, a gun lobby.

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Sue. . . somebody

Bernie Sanders is currently drawing crowds. If his positions on gun rights is a sign of a movement away from gun control by the DP, we should welcome this.

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Yahoo: NRA admits mistake in federal election law violation

The National Rifle Association responded to claims it violated federal election laws after an investigation conducted by Yahoo News last month found it was splitting member contributions with its political action committee.

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