Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Crime Drops, Media Yawns

If you think the media's constant drumbeat has no effect you're a fool. Failure to accurately report what's going on manipulates the public and harms the nation...

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JPFO, Statistics: The Mystery of the Missing Crime Data

There has been an apparent noticeable lack of public knowledge and media coverage, concerning the significant decline in firearms homicides and non-fatal firearm crime...

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Police Poll: Armed Citizens, NOT Gun Control, Will Lower Violent Crime

Universal background checks, assault weapons bans, and high capacity magazine bans do not make police safer armed citizens, on the other hand, do make a positive difference...

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Sarah Brady Admits Gun Control Group Not Interested In Prosecuting Criminals

Our main concern is not to prosecute these people as much as it is to have their complete background checked, so that anybody cannot buy a gun...

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Gun Ownership at All-Time High, Nation’s Murder Rate at Nearly All-Time Low

Gun ownership and the number of privately owned guns has risen to all-time highs, the number of privately owned firearms in the U.S. rising by over 120 million, including about 55 million handguns...

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U.N. Maps Show U.S. High In Gun Ownership, Low In Homicides

It now appears that Lott's discovery that more guns equal less crime as true for the U.S.A. is true for the world as well...

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Reducing Violent Crime in the US From the Inside Out (Part 3 of 4)

Our founders knew that more government regulation and taking away guns from law-abiding citizens would not curb violent crime. They would rely instead upon personal core values to perpetuate decency, respect, morality, honesty and restraint, to name a few...

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24 out of 25 Gun Uses for Self Defense, Not Crime

Here's a curious question: does Bloomberg know that guns are used nearly 25 times more often for self defense than they are for crime???

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Brady Campaign’s Silence is Golden

Gun‑control advocates are noticeably silent when crime rates decline. Their multimillion‑dollar lobbying efforts are designed to manufacture mass anxiety that every gun owner is a potential killer. The statistics show otherwise...

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Biden Shoves Foot in Mouth… Again

Biden should have resorted to plagiarism, as he's been accused of before. If he had done so, he could have gotten his crime numbers straight by copying them from the FBI's Crime in the United States, 2010 report...

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Justifiable Homicide Stats

Interestingly, the national rise in justifiable homicides has occurred as violent crime levels have dropped...

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FBI Stats and National CCW Reciprocity

FBI statistics showing violent crimes decreasing correlate with the popularity of state laws allowing the carrying of concealed firearms by private citizens...

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