Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Neighbor Shoots Burglary Suspect, Stops Crime Spree

An alert neighbor stopped an ongoing crime spree by shooting a burglary suspect in the leg, allowing police to apprehend the suspect.

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FBI Releases Preliminary Semiannual Crime Statistics for 2014

FBI’s Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report reveal overall declines in both the number of violent crimes and the number of property crimes reported for the first six months of 2014...

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More Burglars Shot, Fewer Burglaries. Who Knew?

Who would suspect that when burglars are shot, the burglary rate would go down? Oh wait we knew...

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Turns Out the Brady Scorecard Is Meaningless to Criminals

The source of my laughter is that a simple diagram shows the meaninglessness of their analysis...

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DOJ Report: Firearm-Related Murders Down 39% Since 1993

A DOJ Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) "special report" shows that "firearm-related" homicides fell by 39 percent between 1993 and 2011...

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32 Officers Killed by Gunfire in 2013, Lowest Number Since 1887

The trend is down, though not as much as the homicide rate in general. It is clear that the number of citizen owned guns is not linked to the number of police killed with guns...

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The British Crime Rate Review 2013: The Hidden Winsor Report

We don't have to lie or obfuscate any facts to know we're right. But the British gun control philosophy needs exactly that. So it's no surprise that the latest Winsor report has gone missing...

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There is Murder & Then There is Modern Progressive Elite Murder

There are two models of modern murder that are used in the debate about how to deal with crime. The assumptions about reality that the models are based on are significantly different...

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