Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Grass Roots North Carolina & Guns on Campus This Week on Gun Talk Radio

It’s a grass roots group in North Carolina, a college newspaper columnist in Iowa, and more, this week on Tom Gresham's Gun Talk Radio...

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Arkansas: Faculty Campus Carry Bill Passes Senate, Goes to Governor for Approval

HB 1243 allows staff & faculty of a public university, public college or community college, to carry a concealed handgun in the buildings of the institutions where they are employed if they have a valid Concealed Handgun Carry License...

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Public Hearing Friday on Montana’s Firearms Locked In Student Vehicles Bill

HB 384 is MSSA's bill to clarify that firearms locked in student vehicles in school parking lots do not subject a student to a mandatory one-year expulsion from school...

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Campus Personal Protection Legislation Filed in Texas Senate

Senator Brian Birdwell and 13 co-authors filed Senate Bill 182, legislation allowing adult Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves on the campuses of public colleges and universities in Texas...

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Virginia Commonwealth University Crime Spree Continues – Enough Is Enough

The violent crime spree at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond continues. There were THREE more robberies of students Tuesday night alone...

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Victory Over Anti Gun Educators in Kentucky

Now the colleges are going to be forced to revise their regulations in recognition of your right to bear arms, and to acknowledge that they have no special privileges that allow them to deny your right to self-defense...

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Courts Rule Colorado Campuses Must Allow Concealed Carry

The Colorado Supreme Court has sided with opponents of a campus gun ban at the University of Colorado who claimed the ban is illegal because it was not approved by the Legislature...

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Opening Up U.S. Campuses to Guns

After several recent college campus shooting incidents, many states are opening up their legislative agenda to the idea allowing students to carry guns on campus...

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Georgia Lawmaker Wants Guns on College Campuses

Cam Edwards talks to State Representative Sean Jerguson (R-GA) on his initiative to allow concealed carry of guns on campus...

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James Madison University Pro Gun Protest

VCDL handed out around 800 brochures and even more stickers. The event started slow, but picked up considerably as the day wore on...

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