Virginia Commonwealth University Crime Spree Continues – Enough Is Enough

Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Covington VA –-( VCU students, faculty, and staff are organizing for concealed carry on campus!  See ACTION ITEM below.

The violent crime spree at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond continues.  There were THREE more robberies of students Tuesday night alone!  As you recall, VCU had a town hall meeting on safety after another group of SIX robberies a few weeks ago.  While adding more officers and hiring some unarmed security guards is supposed to help the crime problem, it isn’t a guarantee by any stretch of the imagination.   Tuesday night shows the futility *and danger* of depending on someone else for your own defense.

BTW,  VCU already has more police officers than any other Virginia university and has the highest crime rate of any state school.

At the crime town hall meeting, the VCU Chief of Police seemed puzzled by the fact that criminals were coming from long distances to victimize VCU students.  I wasn’t surprised.  Violent criminals love a safe working environment and VCU’s unarmed students, faculty, and staff provide just that in spades!

At that same town hall meeting, upon hearing the VCU Chief of Police say they were going to hire *unarmed* security guards, Board member Dennis O’Connor leaned over to me and suggested that VCU just give security-guard uniforms to all the students, then criminals won’t know who are students and who are guards!  

The VCU and Richmond police are catching many of the criminals, but usually it is AFTER the damage has been done and someone’s life changed forever.  Definitely a cold comfort to the victims.  And there are plenty more criminals where the captured ones came from.

What would help is for criminals to learn that VCU allows those with CHPs to carry.  Then the criminals would have to be more careful in their intended victim selection.

VCDL is going to continue to push to concealed carry on campus and I am meeting with some students to that effect next week.

ACTION ITEM:  VCU Concealed Carry Authorization Request Underway
Two VCDL members who work at VCUHS are encouraging like-minded students, faculty and staff who are concealed carry permit holders to sign a letter to VCU President Dr. Michael Rao requesting written authorization to carry concealed on VCU campuses.

If you are interested in being a part of this effort, or know someone who is, please contact Mark Hile or Matthew Schaefer at this email address:

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Visit: