Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Combat Jewelry: Working Gun Rings (VIDEO)

If you like to wear rings but haven’t found one that’s blunderbuss enough for you, this’ll change everything. One Mr. Wulle is making working black powder cannon rings, including a teensy brass scattergun and even double-barreled rings. Another great candidate for open-carry right here.

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4 Collectible Guns (that aren’t so collectible)

Functional and finely crafted, guns have always been considered investments, but there are some guns on the market today claiming collectible status that you should stay away from if you’re planning on getting both a gun and a nest egg.

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The Cartridge Conversion Revolvers

Like so many once innovative products with loyal fan followings, many frugal blackpowder pistoleros weren’t ready to buy metal cartridge models immediately upon their release. Enter cartridge conversion models.

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