Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Bloomberg ‘Study’ Evokes Saying About Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

Regardless of who first said it, the gun prohibitionists and their media cheerleaders are using all three to swindle their countrymen out of their birthrights.

Supposed Areas of Agreement on ‘Gun Control’ – Not So Settled

While it appears NRA and NSSF were included, most organizations represented are a rogue’s gallery of gun-grabbers motivated to parrot talking points, not advance “science.”

The post Supposed Areas of Agreement on ‘Gun Control’ – Not So Settled appeared first on AmmoLand.com.

Gun control groups turn up volume against suppressor deregulation after shooting

Though a recent high-profile shooting in Alexandria, Virginia did not involve a suppressor, gun control advocates pose the question "what if it had" to derail pending reform on the items.

The post Gun control groups turn up volume against suppressor deregulation after shooting appeared first on Guns.com.