Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Wanna be like Cyclops? This guy’s got a helmet for that. (VIDEO)
by Jennifer CruzWhile Allen Pan’s invention doesn’t actually use laser beams, it does use fire, which is pretty much the next best thing.
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DIY X-Men guy makes wrist-mounted flamethrowers (VIDEO)
by Brent McCluskeyYouTuber Colin Furze created a pair of DIY wrist-mounted flamethrowers, just like X-Men’s Pyro. Furze is a fan of X-Men, that much is obvious. And he’s made some pretty wicked DIY stuff in the past like fully automatic Wolverine claws and Megneto-esque magneto-boots. But these flamethrowers may just be his finest invention yet. [ YouTube […]
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Fully automatic DIY X-Men Wolverine claws (VIDEO)
by Brent McCluskeyThe release of “X-Men: Days of Future Past” is just around the corner, and what better way to express your fandom than to don your own pair of fully automatic Wolverine claws? These 12-inch beauties extend and retract at the push of the button, though you do have to wear a cumbersome air tank to power […]
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‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Professor X power piece (VIDEO)
by Brent McCluskeyThis “X-Men: Days of Future Past” power piece gives a brief breakdown of Professor X and his powers. The good professor can stop a speeding bullet through telekinesis, read people’s thoughts and control their minds, has a genius intellect, and in the newest installment of the Marvel franchise, he even has the means to alter […]
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