Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Arizona: Pre-hibernation Health Exams for Desert Tortoise and Box turtle
by AmmoLand Editor Duncan JohnsonWith summer temperatures still exceeding 100 degrees, it’s hard to imagine that winter is coming and that soon desert tortoises will begin hibernation.
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Add Another Rare Turtle to Brasstown Valley’s Story
by AmmoLand Editor Duncan JohnsonRare bog turtles have been found at the 503-acre resort. Their presence at Brasstown Valley points to a more hopeful future for conserving this storied turtle.
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Don’t Release Pet Turtles in the Wild
by AmmoLand Editor Duncan JohnsonA 10-pound snapping turtle recently found at the Yoncalla Water Treatment Plant is a good reminder not to release pet turtles into the wild.
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U.S. Finalizes Trade Protections for 4 Freshwater Turtle Species on World Turtle Day
by DeltaOperatorManThe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today celebrates World Turtle Day by addressing the growing threat of unsustainable and illegal trade in native freshwater turtles through a final rule.....
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Survey Reveals Alligator Snapper Recovery in Flint Is a Long Crawl
by DeltaOperatorManMore than two decades after Georgia protected alligator snapping turtles from commercial trapping, these heavyweight turtles with lightning-quick jaws are struggling to rebound in a former river......
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Turtle on the Road: What to Do?
by DeltaOperatorManWhy does the turtle cross the road? And what should you, as a passerby, do about it?
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