Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
New Orleans EMS Foundation Receives Bleeding Control Kit Donation
by AmmoLand Editor Duncan JohnsonThe New Orleans EMS Foundation received a generous donation of 10 Bleeding Control Kits from Rescue Essentials, a retail company specializing in Tactical EMS supplies, trauma gear, and equipment.
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Ready, or Not? Here Fate Comes… Got Trauma Kit?
by John FarnamI retrieved my Trauma Kit. I quickly wrapped-up the wound & the bleeding stopped immediately, then we got him to a local ER...
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MBV: the Donut that Could Save Your Life
by AmmolandVictims of traumatic injuries often survive the initial incident but then succumb to death due to massive hemorrhage and shock...
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More Than One Way to Save a Life
by AmmolandSometimes, despite winning the fight, the good guy and/or family and friends of the good guy end up with holes in them...
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Pocket Life-Saver 2.0 : Making a Good Thing Better
by Ammoland“Without a doubt, tourniquets were a difference maker and saved lives.” said Dr. Joseph Blansfield, Trauma Program Manager, Boston Medical Center days after the Boston Terrorist Attack.
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The Truth About Posers: How Arrogance, Ignorance & Under-Education Can Get You Killed
by AmmolandIt offends me to hear men telling physically capable adult women to ‘stick with a .22 for self-defense so you can handle it’. Other ridiculous sayings include, ‘carry a gun only when you might need it’, it makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck...
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