Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Wisconsin Pro-Knife Bills Filed Would Allow Switchblade Possession and Carry with CCW

A pair of pro-knife bills have been filed in Wisconsin, would amend state law to allow for the manufacture and sale of switchblade knives & the possession...

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Knife Rights’ Oklahoma Knife Law Reform Bills Advance Call & Write

Two of Knife Rights requested Knife Law Reform bills passed a major hurdle yesterday in Oklahoma...

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5.56 Ammunition and Switchblade Knives

The ban on switchblade knives and armor piercing handgun ammunition have the same genesis: Emotional, irrational media campaigns that resulted in bad law...

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How Switchblades Were Banned

It was a stupid and pointless law that had no serious effect on criminals, but which ensnared tens if not hundreds of thousands of innocent people...

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IL: Bill Would Allow Police & Concealed Carry Permit Holders To Possess Switchblades

Senator Tim Bivins of Ilinois has introduced a bill to allow police and CCW permit holders to possess and carry switchblade knives, stun guns, or tasers...

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Automatic ‘Switchblade’ Knives & Carry Over 4-inches Now Legal in Tennessee

Tennessee is the 7th state in which Knife Rights has repealed a ban on switchblades and other knives. This makes 18 legislative victories by Knife Rights in just over four years...

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Tennessee Switchblade Ban & Length Limit Repeal Bill Signed into Law by Governor Haslam

Tennessee is the 7th state in which Knife Rights has repealed a ban on switchblades and other knives. This makes 17 legislative victories by Knife Rights in just over four years...

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Texas Alert – Details & Cautions Regarding Switchblades

Knife Rights has recently received numerous emails and calls seeking clarification of the new Texas law repealing the ban on automatic (switchblade) knives...

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CCRKBA Lauds Gov. Perry’s Repeal Of Onerous Knife Restrictions

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is applauding Texas Gov. Rick Perry for signing a repeal of the Lone Star State’s ban on so-called “switchblade” knives...

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Indiana Passes Knife Rights Switchblade Ban Repeal

After two years of effort by Knife Rights and our sponsors, the Indiana legislature has repealed the state's irrational ban on switchblade knives...

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Alaska Passes Comprehensive Knife Rights Bill, Call & Write Governor

The comprehensive Knife Rights Bill, and it is now on its way to Governor Sean Parnell. HB33 repeals the ban on the possession of switchblade knives and enacts Knife Law Preemption...

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Tennessee Knife Rights Bill Clears One House Committee

Senate Bill SB1015, a Knife Rights requested bill that would enact Knife Law Preemption, repeal Tennessee's antiquated ban on automatic knives (switchblades) and repeal the the state's four-inch knife length limitation...

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