Knife Rights’ Oklahoma Knife Law Reform Bills Advance Call & Write

Knife Rights’ Oklahoma Knife Law Reform Bills Advance Call & Write

Gilbert, AZ –-( Two of Knife Rights requested Knife Law Reform bills passed a major hurdle yesterday in Oklahoma.

House Bill 1460 (Knife Rights’ Knife Law Preemption bill) passed the Oklahoma House Public Safety Committee by a vote of 8-1 and House Bill 1911 (Knife Rights’ Switchblade Ban Repeal bill) passed by a vote of 9-1.

Both bills will now head to the House floor for a vote before they head to the Senate.

If you live, work or travel in Oklahoma, Knife Rights urges you to contact your Representative and politely ask your member to vote YES on HB1460 and HB1911. Click here to find your Representative:

Knife Rights would like to thank Don Spencer, Vice-President of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association, for working closely with us in support of these important knife law reforms

Knife Law Preemption prevents a patchwork of local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in a state.

Knife Law Preemption is Knife Rights’ signature legislative initiative and is the essential foundation for improving knife laws and protecting knife owners. Knife Rights passed the nation’s first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Utah.

Automatic (switchblade) knives are legal in 38 states (some with restrictions) and 26 states have no restrictions whatsoever on these knives. Seven of those 26 states have been added by Knife Rights since 2010. Knife Rights passed the nation’s first repeal of a switchblade knife ban in 2010 in New Hampshire and has since passed repeal of switchblade bans (and repealed other knife restrictions) in Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas. In Washington state knifemakers can now legally manufacture automatic knives.

Knife Rights ( is rewriting knife law in America, aggressively fighting for a Sharper Future for all knife owners. Knife Rights is dedicated to providing knife owners an effective voice to influence public policy. In the past four years, Knife Rights has passed pro-knife legislation in 11 states and prevented anti-knife legislation in four states. Knife Rights is also the lead plaintiff in a federal civil rights lawsuit against New York City.

For more information contact:

Doug Ritter

Todd Rathner
Director of Legislative Affairs