Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Coolest 10 Colt Pistols & Revolvers in the Guns.com Vault

Over its 165-year history, Colt became one of the most prolific firearms manufacturers on the planet, giving us some of the coolest handguns around.

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You know exactly how this is going to end (VIDEO)

With the days growing shorter and the leaves changing their hue, it is that time of year again: Hickok45 kicks off this season's pumpkin carving, single-action style.

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Syrian snipers battle each other (VIDEO)

A Syrian militant faces off against a counter-sniper from the Syrian Army and doesn’t fare very well. [ LiveLeak ]

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What it looks like to get hit by a tank shell (VIDEO)

A cameraman of the Free Syrian Army got hit by a tank shell from the Syrian Arab Army while in Alhamdeh, Idlib. According to the video posted to LiveLeak he only suffered minor injuries to his knee and face. [ LiveLeak ]

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