Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
12 Survivors Hand Pump Water Purifier: Nourish Your Survival Instinct
by Ammoland Editor Joe EvansWhen disaster strikes, adventure calls the 12 Survivors Hand Pump Water Purifier stands Go Ready to filter dirty water to refreshing, potable drinking water...
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The TriStar Arms new Marine Tactical Cobra series pump shotgun
by Max SlowikTriStar Arms has been a go-to name in affordable firearms from the day the company opened its doors and happy to announce its new Marine Tactical Cobra pump shotgun that is priced to move.
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Super X Pump Field and Waterfowl Hunter
by HComThe only pump shotgun that can deliver three shots in half a second has two new models in its lineup. New in Winchester Repeating Arms Super X® Pump line is the Super X® Pump Field and Waterfowl Hunter.
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Winchester Super X Pump Black Shadow Deer Shotgun
by HComDeer hunters can now take to the woods with the new Winchester Super X Pump Black Shadow Deer. New to the SXP line, the Black Shadow Deer features a 22” rifled barrel and 3” chamber...
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5 of the Most Innovative Shotguns Ever Made
by Chris EgerTo many the shotgun is the mother of all guns, allowing even novice users to hunt for food and defend themselves effectively in a wide range of environments. We look at the five most innovative designs that gave the scattergun its reputation.
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Gun Review: NATO Gamebird Model 10 shotgun
by Derek OdomIf you hadn't realized, Guns.com has a strange fascination with old mailorder guns. And in spirit of that we look at the NATO Gamebird Model 10 shotgun. A relatively obscure and economical design.
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