Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Security team unloads on Somali pirates (VIDEO)

The video, which has been viewed more than 11 million times in a matter of days, surfaced following an unrelated attack on an oil tanker last month.

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Coast Guard responds to urgent call of gunfire 20 miles offshore (AUDIO)

On Wednesday the Coast Guard scrambled boats and aircraft after reports that a 45-foot fishing vessel opened fire near another smaller boat off the Florida Keys.

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Photo of the day: JDAM that’s a good shot!

Small pirate boat, meet JDAM. This image captures the moment just before a 2,000 pound joint direct attack munitions laser guided bomb strikes a small boat during a “maritime tactics development and evaluation” mission. The 337th Test and Evaluation Squadron sent a solo B-1 bomber over the Gulf of Mexico to assess and improve its […]

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