Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

ARs, AKs, Shotguns, Pistols, Revolvers – Check Out the Sweet Deals on the Auction Block

While live bidding begins March 23, the auction is also online. And there are some serious guns for sale. Everything from belt 7.62x39s to black-powder shotguns, and guns for every budget.

The post ARs, AKs, Shotguns, Pistols, Revolvers – Check Out the Sweet Deals on the Auction Block appeared first on Guns.com.

Want to Become an FFL Dealer? Not Too Late

As the national gun debate heats up, all sorts of rumors are circulating. Some concern denials of FFL applications. Without FFLs, the rest of us will have a hard time buying guns. But is there any truth to the rumor? And what's the easiest way to navigate the application process?

The post Want to Become an FFL Dealer? Not Too Late appeared first on Guns.com.

EDITORIAL: Ammo Out of Stock? Maybe not

So you're sitting at the computer, watching cat videos on Youtube, randomly refreshing several different .223 pages at various purported ammo suppliers when there it is, a flash, a thumbnail image of a spam can marked 5.56. There are 20 in stock. How fast can you type in your credit card number?

The post EDITORIAL: Ammo Out of Stock? Maybe not appeared first on Guns.com.