Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Negative Firearm Regulations Are Boiling Over Into Nevada
by Bob IrwinAttorney Don Green has some comments on some wins and losses for our pro-self-defense and pro-Second Amendment rights this year in Nevada.
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Nevada: Gov. Sisolak Signs Anti-Gun Bill
by NRAHQIgnoring the constitutional rights of law-abiding Nevadans, on June 14th, Governor Steve Sisolak signed omnibus anti-gun Assembly Bill 291 into law.
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National Popular Vote Interstate Compact a Sure Path to Tyranny
by David CodreaIf a “popular vote” replacement of the Electoral system is allowed to stand, you can kiss “legal” recognition of the right to keep and bear arms goodbye...
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Nevada Blue Wave
by Michael RamirezNevada voters have chosen the state's first Democratic governor in two decades. Seems Nevada is feeling the effects from an infection of new California voters.
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Nevada Firearms Coalition November 2018 Candidate Endorsements
by AmmolandEarlier this year we sent out a gun survey to every candidate in the race for all various seats available in the State of Nevada, from US Congress all the way down to city legislators.
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NV AG Laxalt Issues Statement on Court Decision Dismissing Background Check Lawsuit
by AmmolandNevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt applauded a Nevada District Court’s decision to toss out a lawsuit brought by the proponents of Nevada’s stillborn [universal] Background Check Act.
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PAC Unveils SteveSisolak.org – Steve Sisolak, Wrong for Nevada Governor
by AmmolandSteve Sisolak has made gun control a central part of his campaign, so it is essential that voters know that what he and his gun-control allies are really saying is that gun owners are guilty.
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Nevada Wildlife Commission Adopts Shed Antler Regulation
by AmmolandThe goal is to allow deer and elk herds in eastern and central Nevada to utilize their critical winter range habitats without being disturbed.
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Nevada Game Wardens Seek Assistance with Moose Poaching Case – $1000 Reward
by AmmolandA reward of $10,000 is being offered for any information that will help solve a case of an adult moose illegally killed 20 miles southeast of Jarbidge, Nevada..
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The biggest machine gun shoots in the world resume after Vegas shooting (VIDEO)
by Ben PhilippiLess than one month after the tragic Las Vegas shooting, the two biggest machine gun shoots in the world took place in America. One at the Knob Creek range in Kentucky. The other at the Big Sandy range near Wikieup, Arizona.
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Lawsuit Filed Over Background Check Law Blocked by N.V. Gov. Sandoval
by John CrumpNevadans for Background Checks has filed a lawsuit over an unimplemented background check law, which required background checks for private sales in Nevada.
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Governor catching flak over sidelined Nevada expanded background check law
by Chris EgerNevada's Republican governor, Brian Sandoval, has asked for further guidance on implementation of a voter-approved universal background check law which never took effect.
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