Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
D.C. lawmaker says police should not have guns
by Chris EgerSince making news recently for passing the strictest concealed carry handgun law in the country, a Washington D.C. city council member is drawing flak after saying District police shouldn’t have guns either.
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armed police
Concealed Carry
Councilman Grosso
D.C. Councilman David Grosso
D.C. Councilman Tommy Wells
David Grosso
Delroy Burton
District of Columbia
District of Columbia gun law
Dorian DeSantis
Gun Control
Gun Laws
gun laws in District of Columbia
Metro Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier
Police Chief Cathy Ladnier
Politics & 2nd Amendment
should police be disarmed
should police have guns
Washinginton police
washington naval yard
washington naval yard shooting
Judge grants 90-day stay on gun carry ban following ruling
by Chris EgerThe Washington D.C. Metro Police is back to enforcing the district's strict ban on gun carry outside the home after a federal judge allowed the city a 90 day window to draw up a new law Tuesday.
The post Judge grants 90-day stay on gun carry ban following ruling appeared first on Guns.com.
Alan Gura
Attorney General Irv Nathan
Capitol Police
Chief Lanier
Concealed Carry
DC concealed carry
DC gun laws
DC Metro Police
DC open carry
District of Columbia gun law
emily miller
Gun Free DC
Gun Laws
gun laws DC
Gwendolyn Crump
Heller v DC
Judge Scullin
Metro Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier
Metro Police firearms permit
open carry washington dc
Palmer case
Palmer v DC
Palmer v District of Columbia
Phil Mendelson
Politics & 2nd Amendment
Professor Alan Gura
Self Defense
Washington D.C. gun laws
Washington DC gun laws
washington dc handgun carry laws
Washington DC open carry